Teenagers Seek Freedom
From Parent's Authority Not Parents

Teenagers, also known as adolescents, are at a rapid phase of growth. Their growing size and increasing capabilities raise the desire for independence. They dare into the outside world and experiment with new relationships. Troubled teens, therefore, are not uncommon. Share your teenage tussles. Give tips on how to emerge a winner, despite the stumble blocks through the teen years.

Teen development

Adolescent development is associated with pubertal changes and psychosocial turmoils. Consequently, children in their teens are in reality under-confident, in spite of their outward impression of being confident.

Teens Development

Adolescents strive for social acceptance. Peer opinion markedly influences their self-concept. Troubled teens and preteens usually are the victims of disturbed peer relationships

Parents trust is crucial for adolescents' self-esteem and emotional stability. Understanding and supportive parents give adolescents the strength to deal with their demanding environment; scholastic achievements, socialization, sports activities, and peer-pressure.

Parents’ support and ideals are crucial for teenagers

Psychologically, during adolescent development, the role models are from outside the family, and the parents are set at back seat. This often creates a rift between parent-child relationship.

A danger to guard from

Parents are children's security; and if the security is challenged, adolescents, who are already going through the turmoils of teens, will grip any available support. And this could also be a group of deviant peers!

It is important to note that youngsters in their formative tears seek freedom only from the authority of the parents and Not from the parents. Adolescents are yet children and no child will ever want to loose touch with the parents.

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Supportive parents encourage adolescence development

Youths, who have stable, warm, trusting and open relationship with their parents are better equipped to develop independence and grow into responsible adults. Without any apprehension they approach parents with queries on any high-risk situations, even if it was concerning drug use or sexual activity. No guilt complex holds them back from their progress towards adulthood:


Teenage Tussles & Tips to Win

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On Fireworks, Party or Quick Sand Teenage Experiences.

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Teenage Tussles

Click on the links below to read some great stories on Teenage Tussles. They were all written by other visitors to this page...

Living With PCOS 
Teenage is the rainbow period of life, colorful and fleeting. Experiences of adolescence add joy and meaning to growing-up. PCOS stole all fun and frolic …

Victim of Peer Aggression 
Victims of bullying suffer from severe emotional imbalance, social insecurity, depression and more. I did. But surely the life does not end there. …

Bullies, Baggage, and Heart Ache.  
Teenage development is a very hard time. Teenagers go through love, bullies, friends, enemies, social experiences, - even a few heart aches. …

Teens Risk Drug Addiction 
Assessing teens' risk for drug addiction: Most parents are more than aware that teenagers are at a higher risk for drug abuse than adults. In fact, …

Dealing with blame and burnt out feeling in HIV affected youths imposes serious challenge to parenting. Body HIV/AIDS Resource website notes that …

Eating Disorders among Teens 
I sometimes forget what it feels like to be a teenager. It may be because I prefer to leave most of my teenage years in the past, right where it belongs. …

Teens Therapeutic Activity: Blogging  
Teens who are facing troubled times often need an outlet for their feelings, emotions and thoughts. Without one, it all just builds up within them. …

Teenage Obesity 
Obesity is one of the scourges of teenage. Teenage obesity should be taken a lot more seriously than it is at present for the lifelong scars it leaves. …

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Dating Violence: Focus Teenagers

Itchy Skin During Adolescence Associated With Disturbed Peer Relationship

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