Healthy Child Psychology Demands Nurturing Parenting 

Learn child psychology to be able to interact with children effectively?
Unheard of.
Who reads psychology before tickling a baby or pinching her cheeks! Molding, scolding and detracting children is done constantly without even acknowledging that child has a mind of her own. 

Do children have mind of their own?

Childhood Experiences Mold Child Psychology

Yes, children have an active mind that feels, thinks and assimilates the experiences.

Thoughts, feelings, beliefs and dreams are very personal.

Children do not choose to remain silent about the negative experiences, but they lack the communication skills to hide the hurt and yet express their stress effectively.

Each experience, pleasant or unpleasant, leaves its impact on children’s brain development and psyche. 

Unintentionally but truly children are hurt innumerable times during their formative years by us; parents, teachers, caretakers, medical professionals and many others in child’s environment. Knowledge of child psychology eases our interaction with children and prevents scarring of their emotional development. All who associate with children therefore need to know mental and social development of children.

Childhood development & child psychology go hand in hand

Childhood development parameters and theories make the study of psychology overbearing. But it is only a Greek name for “understanding child’s mind”. Psyche means mind and logy means scientific study. This is to say, that we are not concluding what goes on in children’s mind just on our whims and fancies, but the explanations presented are supported by scientific studies.

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Early childhood experiences influence social development

Children Learn What They See And Experience

Attachment is an inherent ability and an emotional need.

Children, with their innate wisdom, let go small arguments for a better relationship.

They reason, learn and implement what they perceive.

Affective processing of childhood experiences shape their cognitive skills, learning abilities, self-regulation, bonding, peer relationship and fears – all important facets of healthy child psychology essential for adaptive functioning. And we, the adults, constantly negate their thoughts and mould their beliefs. The values and beliefs from the old world often clash with those held by peers. Children's mind gets dismayed at the contradictions. In spite of enormous emotional upheaval, their invincible ability to play and laugh away ill events helps their progress on the rough road to adulthood.

Factors that affect children’s adaptation 

Psychological Needs of Children

Optimal psychosocial development greatly depends on parents’ emotional health and social well being.

Supportive and responsive parenting enhances cognitive development and provides emotional security, which in turn give children the ability to build happy relationships and confidence to explore the world.

The effects of parent’s mental health and other environmental inputs on early development and brain growth have been scientifically proved. Child abuse, neglect and emotional deprivation not only injure personality development but overall child psychology.

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