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Browse topics under discussion in Child Health Care Forums,
Child sexual abuse: Recognize the problem
Child sexual abuse: The abused
Brain changes in abused children
Food addiction: Sequel of child abuse
Tips to cultivate healthy eating habit Therapeutic uses of probiotics Probiotics benefits child health |
Essential nutrition for children Importance of DHA for child health |
BrainCreativity area in human brain Autism spectrum disorder: Search for causes continues Brain changes in abused children DiseasesHuman Boca virus and child health Asthma linked to lack of sleep & bad grades Drug EffectsAcute kidney injury in children Media EffectsPreventive RolePrevention of allergies in children Vitamin D in prevention of allergies Prevention of myopia progression Vaccines |
Childhood CancersEffects of Folic acid fortification on Emotional State Affects HealthParents psycho social well being key to child health Effects of fathers mental health ObesityInsulin resistance linked to high fructose intake Safety RecommendationsMothers who drink alcohol beware TeenagersPremenstrual syndrome & dietary iron SleepAsthma linked to lack of sleep & bad grades Effects on Fetus |
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