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Open Portals: Post Your Story
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Ask Doc your concerns

Q and A on newborn care

Teenage Tussles

Parenting tips

Child health news

Before Birth

Growth and Development

Child Psychology

Child Abuse

Child abuse awareness

Child sexual abuse: Recognize the problem

Types of child sexual abuse

Child sexual abuse: The abused

Dating violence

Brain changes in abused children

Food addiction: Sequel of child abuse 

Health Disorders

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders often go unnoticed

Binge eating; a cry for help

Binge eating; when to suspect

Binge eating treatment

Anorexia nervosa

Anorexia nervosa treatment

Eating disorders among teens


Allergies in children

Anaphylaxis - Field management

Food Allergy: Tips of Caution

Coping with Allergies in Children

Prevention of Allergies in Children

Role of Vitamin D in Prevention of Allergies

Summer Camp Safety Focus Food Allergic Children 

Eye Diseases

Childhood eye diseases

Diabetic eye diseases

Myopia progression can be slowed

Watch for vision defects

Television viewing affects vision development

Prevention of visual impairment

Childhood Diabetes


Type 1 diabetes causative factors

Role of autoimmunity in type1 diabetes

Natural progression - type 1 diabetes

Insulin resistance linked to high fructose intake

Diabetic eye diseases

Childhood metabolic syndrome

Childhood Obesity

Teenage obesity

Sudden weight gain

High fructose corn syrup

Metabolic syndrome

Developmental Disorders

Cerebral palsy

Disability benefits for disabled child



Phases of Childhood

Modern Childhood Menace


Seasonal flu : Influenza

Child Health News


Creativity area in human brain

Obstructive sleep apnea

Obesity in mothers

Autism spectrum disorder: Search for causes continues

Brain changes in abused children


Human Boca virus and child health

Asthma linked to lack of sleep & bad grades

Drug Effects

Aspirin the miracle medicine

Acute kidney injury in children

Media Effects

Cell phone use affects fetus?

Television viewing time

Preventive Role

Preventive role of gut flora

Prevention of allergies in children

Vitamin D in prevention of allergies

Prevention of myopia progression


Flu vaccine

Flu vaccine safe in children with egg allergy

Meningococcal vaccine

Immunization schedule 2013

Unvaccinated children pose threat

Childhood Cancers

Effects of Folic acid fortification on 
childhood cancer

Skin cancer among teenagers

Emotional State Affects Health

Parents psycho social well being key to child health

Effects of fathers mental health

Depression during pregnancy

Food addiction


Childhood metabolic syndrome

Effects of lack of sleep 

Insulin resistance linked to high fructose intake

Food addiction

Safety Recommendations

Trampoline injuries

Mothers who drink alcohol beware


Birth control methods

Emergency contraceptive

Premenstrual syndrome & dietary iron


Lack of sleep

Asthma linked to lack of sleep & bad grades

Effects on Fetus

Mothers who drink alcohol beware

Depression during pregnancy

Obesity in mothers

Cell phone use affects fetus?

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