Individual Self-Concept:
Contributing Factors, Myths and Solutions

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Self-concept, besides psychological boosts and temperamental tweaks, is influenced by child’s health, development and physical appearance.

Indeed, we strive to help children to have the feeling of high self worth: But is it all important for children’s academic success? Several myths surround the importance of positive self image during childhood, and the solutions offered for positive self image are diverse. 

Factors that can contribute to low self-concept

  • Effect of the phase normal childhood development
    School readiness is a delusion. Entry to school wavers self image of every child as they meet  new social and academic challenges on a daily basis; some successfully, but most not so effectively as they would have liked to.

    Its effect is most marked during middle childhood development, when children expect to earn respect for themselves and their family through their deeds.

    Confidence in ones abilities improves as children enter high school and with it improves children's self image.The real high in self image is usually seen during teenage development. Hormonal surge along with proficiency attained in cognitive and  motor skills  boosts confidence in teenagers.

    High school children usually enjoy more freedom and greater opportunities to be able to effectively express themselves in activities of their choice; crucial contributing factor for building positive self-concept.  

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Myths associated with Self concept

  • Increases academic skills

  • Improves scholastic performance 

  • Children with poor self-concept deploy aggression to win peer recognition:
    The fact is that children who exercise aggressive behavior usually have inflated self image.

  • Children with low self concept easily indulge into substance abuse, smoking and alcohol.

  • Pampered children have high self concept:
    Positive self-concept comes from success in the age dependent domains of development.

    Pampering does not prepare children for realistic external influences, nor does it give children authentic perceptions of personal merits and shortcomings.

Solutions for poor self concept 

  • Assessment for the cause:
    For positive self image, children need to feel competent in their age specific developmental domains and individual field of interest.

  • Avoid media effects:
    Unrealistic achievements, glamorous outfits and portrayed perfection of physical appearance works on immature minds.  During tweens and teens media image of showbiz celebrities pose a big threat to children’s self image. Obesity and  teenage depression are often attributed to this effect of media.

  • Opportunities to excel in academic activities enhance self concept: 
    Placement of children should be according to their individual aptitude. The areas that do not interest them should be under played in order to achieve best results.

  • Strive for peer harmony by organizing team work:
    This is achieved in group projects, outdoor games, social camps and stage appearances.

  • Outdoor activities helps children to relate with the nature:
    They explore and experience both positive and negative aspects of nature and the environment. It gives them the insight that perfection and flaws coexist, and instills positive self concept.
  • Yoga for children is also believed to have positive impact on children’s self concept

  • Therapeutic techniques are rarely needed in children who loose faith in their skills and the support offered. 

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