Shyness slows language development
Temperament differs. Shy children have significantly slower development of expressive and receptive language.
Shyness limits vocabulary and other language skills development. The reticent nature of shy children also limits their participation in social interactions and practices of the acquired skills.
Socio-emotional problems and lower quality of life can lead to receptive and expressive language delays and disorders.
Child’s attitude towards school and the peer group can affect his written language as reflected by his tendency towards faulty spellings.
Children with early language often impairment continue to have difficulty in communication. This jeopardizes their scholastic achievements and social image
Children with persistent difficulty in learning a language should be investigated for difficulty in listening, remembering, and understanding complex language.
Children with simple or complex partial seizures are likely to suffer from language disorders. Distorted speech during early development stage, as in cerebral palsy, is usually perceived as delay in language development.
Children of teenage mothers qualify poorly for expressive language development and language comprehension.
This highlights the importance of mother–child interaction in development of children's language proficiency, which is noticeably compromised in the parenting pattern of teenage mothers.
Teenage mothers are usually find it difficult to carry out effective verbal communication with their children.
Parents and babysitters who provide rich verbal interaction stimulate child's language and psychosocial development. Studies show that melodies in caregivers' speech provide a species-specific guidance towards language and speech development.
The home literary environment supports receptive and expressive vocabulary growth during the second and third years of life.
The videos that make educational claims for development of infants’ and toddlers’ language are found to be of questionable value.
The studies that were conducted have highlighted the co-occurrence of onscreen print for infants as the target audience, who cannot read!
Please note that for development of overall communication skills nothing can replace interactive language-rich environment of affectionate parenting.
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Children's communicative capabilities.
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Components, Requirements and Milestones
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