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Child Health Chat, Issue #010 -- Teenagers in Love and Their Need for Intimate Partner Relationship
February 14, 2013

Striving For A Happy Childhood


Valentine ’s Day is gone.
Teenager in love?
Had a Date?
Don’t be!

Trust me. It is better to have No relationship then to have a bad abusive intimate partner.

No. I’m Not old fashioned!
I wish to create awareness among parents, teachers and teenagers on need of healthy intimate partner relationship for optimal emotional and social development during adolescence.

The article of the month is here:
Teenagers in Love and Their Need for Intimate Partner Relationship
However, having an intimate partner is Not devoid of risks. The risks are usually not openly made known to growing children.

The truth they need to know to protect themselves should be gradually made known from the age of 8 years: Hide it from them and succumb them to turbulent seas of dating violence.

Hope is there.
Let’s spread awareness; it has been overlooked for centuries.
Forewarned is Forearmed!!

Table of Contents


Teenagers in Love and Their Need for Intimate Partner Relationship

Dating Violence: Focus Teenagers

Child Health News

Immunization Schedule 2013: Focus Preteens Shots

Kidney Injury Due to Pain Killer Pills Commonly Affects Teenagers

Pearls From The Forums

Skiing Holidays Safety Tips

Eating Disorders among Teens

Important Links and Need to Know Information

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Teenagers in Love
And Their Need for Intimate Partner Relationship

Teenagers in love: How crucial is their need for an intimate partner?

Pepped with hormonal surge at puberty, teenagers develop interest in the company of opposite sex peers. The shuffling of neurotransmitters in the brain further entice them into a relationship.

Teenagers in love wish to explore romantic relationships

Dating leads teens into an aura of bliss, laughter and fun: New emotions, new experiences and new companionship! Hormones have a strong impact on teenagers’ behavior, emotions and thinking process.

Having all the attention and admiration of a chosen partner boosts their self-concept to enormous heights. Sweet little talks away from parents’ supervision gives them the feeling of emotional freedom. Even slightest intrusion leads to frustration.

The admiration for the chosen partner seems boundless; they laugh at each other’s silly little jokes and magnify partner’s virtues. They enjoy being completely understood by each other, which they feel their parents and teachers don’t. They believe that they two together are the best. In an intimate relationship teenagers feel accomplished adults.

Social status

From preteens on wards children desire social recognition among peers and significant others outside the family. Having a caring intimate partner is perceived as good status in their social group.

Parents’ concern

Teenagers in love naturally desire to experiment intimate partner relationship. It is a developmental step towards adulthood.

We as parents get concerned about it because of teenagers impulsive nature and immaturity in decision making.

Parents only want their children to make the right choice so that they are not hurt at a later date.

The hormonal influence can be very disturbing during teens

Emotional stress of being in a relationship can often be frustrating and energy consuming. The mind of teenagers in love is often occupied by thoughts of their partner. They dream about their future together and are unable to keep up with educational curriculum.

New social commitments, though exciting, need to set new disciplinary limits for self to meet all expectations efficiently.

Tips for parenting teenagers in love

1. Have frequent open conversation with children.

2. Begin talking to children on the issues of sex and healthy dating practices early; 8 years on wards. Even if the child does not actively participate in the conversation at that early age,
they are reassured that it is not a forbidden zone, and they can open the topic with their parent as and when the need arises.

Tips to go through dating experiences free of risk

1. Enjoy the highs of being in love, but never forget your self-worth.

2. Respect your own limitations and expectations, only then the partner will also respect them.

3.Be compassionate, but don’t get bullied and lower your defenses.

4.Never allow any form of violence in a relationship.

Dating versus Hooking

beats loneliness and brings in rosiness of romance. It induces relationship of heart and mind before that of the body. It brings in emotional stability and has more chances to move towards long term perceptive.

Sexual involvement as in hooking relationships, is the "Free Sex Practice", rather than an outcome of an intimate relationship. It certainly gives the high; hormonal flux following sex is after all physiological. But as the levels of hormones settle down the reality stares back at the youths.

It makes them emotionally vulnerable. Depression, bruised self-esteem and embarrassment drive them towards search of new partner, indulgence in intoxicating drinks and drugs, high risk activities and antisocial behavior.

Safe sex

Pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases impose major threats on teenage health. Importance of long term contraceptive, morning after pill and use of condom is crucial for teenagers well being.

Keep the priorities clear

Teenage is crucial phase of education and career development. The high that comes with academic success and good vocation lasts life long and offers wider choice of lasting intimate partner.

Relaxation is also essential

Teenage imposes high demands and expectations. Youngsters should keep sometime of the day entirely for themselves and practice to calm their nerves; exercise, meditate, do yoga ….

Fear of unknown

During teenage development children become conscious of their role as an adult and begin planning their future, the vast unknown. Though intoxicated with budding romance in their life, they are also anxious and unsure of their love. Parents’ assurance and understanding of their fears gives them courage to confide in them.

Corresponding obligation of the parents for lasting benefit and bonding

1. Listen to teenagers more than counsel.

2. Keep the confidence entrusted in you.

3. Don’t misuse the information gathered.

4. Be your teenager’s best friend.

I can continue writing.
The list of precautions to be taken can be overwhelming.
Relax! All factors do not apply to each teenager in love.

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Dating Violence: Focus Teenagers

Dating violence has skipped the concern for too long. Need of intimate partner relationship during adolescence is threatened by dating abuse. Only if we acknowledge the problem will we able to overcome the deficiency in help services for teenage victims.
Read on: Teenagers in love fall victim to violence

News on Child Health

Immunization Schedule 2013: Focus Preteens Shots
11 to 12 years of age column is added to highlight the immunizations urged for adolescents.
Must read to know the full schedule.

Kidney Injury Due to Pain Killer Pills Commonly Affects Teenagers
Drugs like Ibuprofen and Naproxen are noted to cause acute kidney injury in children of all age group. However, the study showed that teenagers are most frequently affected.
Read to know.

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Pearls From The Forums

Skiing Holidays Safety Tips
Teenagers love Skiing, a fun and challenging sport. But only safe winter sports leads to happy adventure. Safety is crucial and prevention of injuries is a must.
Follow The Tips.

Eating Disorders among Teens
Teens may sometimes equate popularity with success, and the first step in grabbing everyone’s attention is to look as perfect as possible. The desire to enhance one’s physical appearance has become of primary importance to many.
Continue reading...

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I will be back soon with the next issue of "Child Health Chat".
Relax and enjoy being with children!

With Best Regards,

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