Striving For A Happy Childhood
Season’s Greetings! Wish you all Merry Christmas and a very happy and prosperous New Year.
Holiday period is on; the time for fun and laughter.
Parents’ unconditional love makes them splurge millions on gifts for children on these festive occasions.
Gift giving not only involves children’s wants, but also should be a pricey piece which they can show off among their peers: But how does it affect children’s psychology?
The article for the month is here: Gift Giving Influences Child Psychology Gift giving is surprisingly complex and leaves remarkable influences on our behavior.
Relax and enjoy!
Table of Contents
Gift Giving Influences Child Psychology
Nurture Childhood Creativity
Child Health News
Creativity Area in Human Brain
Emergency Contraceptive
Pearls From The Forums
Watch for Vision Defects
Improving Child Health Care Services
Important Links and Need to Know Information
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Gift Giving Influences Child Psychology Christmas is here. Gift giving spree is on. Shopping malls are crowded. Exchange of gifts during festive season is culturally mandated. But children are usually kept only on receiving end, at least till teenage. They wait for their stalking to be filled and wonder: Santa Claus surely must have received the list of things; hope does not make a mistake!
Parents are the Santa Claus; they not only try to meet their children’s all needs but also to satisfy their fantasies.
Cultivate the art of giving from early childhood
Do we, as parents, in our effort to give the best to our children miss out on cultivating the art of giving in them?
Eavesdrop them: The discussion among kids is always what they are going to get this Christmas; never what they are going to give. It is the same story on all other occasions.
Use children’s creativity to create gifts that they can give
Gift giving involves responsibility, caring and sharing. Help children use their creative instinct to create gifts for each person they accept the gift from: Make a hay mat for the pet; laminate their drawings and paintings for placement mats; make greeting cards with whatever they can scribble and help parent, grandparents or neighbors with gardening. This will also take away materialistic aspect of gift giving.
Well accomplished art of giving boosts self-esteem
It will not only give children the pleasure of creativity but also the great satisfaction that comes with gift giving. Gift giving is an important part of social interaction. It helps the giver define relationships and strengthen bonds. It boosts children’s self-esteem and strengthens their personality development.
Psychological gains
It is well known that giver enjoys psychological gains much more than the person who receives the gifts. Unfortunately most children are deprived of the pleasure of gift giving and thereby the psychological strengthening that follows.
Nurture Childhood Creativity
The more children indulge into creative games, the more they learn to implement their logical thoughts and master motor skills. Creativity refines their development in the cognitive domain and thereby sharpens their intelligence. It also helps in brain growth and language development.
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News on Child Health
Creativity Area in Human Brain Where lie the neurons in our brain that assimilate imaginary, visual, auditory and motor inputs along with stored memory into variety of creative art?
Read to know.
Emergency Contraceptive Half of all the pregnancies are reported to be unintended. Teenage pregnancies contribute to the major load of unintended pregnancies: The morning after pills to be made easily accessible, also to teenagers.
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Child Health Blog: Don't miss the short updates
Prevent Trauma to Children's Head: Minor brain concussion could leave lasting effect on children's brain.
BPA Found in Fetal Livers: The study has raised concern that women are being exposed to high levels of BPA during early phase of pregnancy leading to toxic effects of the chemical on developing fetus.
Tobacco Displays and Ads Influence Teens' Smoking Habit: The study confirms that if display of tobacco products are banned in the shops at point of sale could prevent youths from purchasing and indulging into tobacco containing products.
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Pearls From The Forums
Watch for Vision Defects Children are unable to relate the clues to vision defects. We the adults have to watch for the signs that could indicate that a child may be having trouble. But how?
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Improving Child Health Care Services Allergies are a reality. Many pediatricians are either not updated on the subject or disregard its impact on child health. Not to mention the long wait to get an appointment ...
Click to know a mother's view.
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I will be back soon with the next issue of "Child Health Chat". Relax and enjoy being with children! With Best Regards,