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Child Health Chat, Issue #013 -- Coping with Allergies in Children
May 30, 2013

Striving For A Happy Childhood

Summer holidays are here!

Looking forward to be away from home?
Excursions, camps, beach sports, barbecue parties and more!
Whatever the holiday plan may be, munching tit bits on the way and local exotic food novelties always add to the fun.
Why Grumpy?
Have a child with food allergy?

Don’t let the fun gets masked by constant uncertainty and fear.
Oh, it is not only the food allergy.
Any environmental allergen can trigger allergic reaction.
Moreover, allergies can strike even those who are not known allergic.
Don't be afraid.
Fight fear with facts.

The article of the month: Coping with Allergies in Children
And lots more for you to be forearmed.

Enjoy your summer break!!!

Table of Contents


Coping with Allergies in Children

Anaphylaxis in Children: First Aid Field Management

Child Health News

Prevention of Allergies in Children

Role of Vitamin D in Prevention of Allergies

Pearls From The Forums

Summer Camp Safety Focus Food Allergic Children

Food Allergy: Tips of Caution

Important Links and Need to Know Information

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Coping with Allergies in Children

The challenges thrust by allergies on child health are mounting, and so is the search for its prevention. Allergic diseases are complex genetic conditions susceptible to environmental triggers, the allergens.

Avoidance of the allergens is the best remedy for allergies.
In spite of the ability of allergy testing to precisely identify the offending allergens in child‘s environment, effective avoidance of the allergens do remain theoretical, especially during infancy and early childhood. School years impose their own set of limitations.

Every other child has allergy, and one out of 8 have food allergy.
Any of the allergic reaction can prove to be serious enough to endanger child’s survival.

Prevention of allergies is unanimously demanded.
The search for scientific strategies for prevention of allergies in children has been going on for some years. The vast data without precise conclusions has unfortunately given opportunity for emergence of some remedies that have jumped the rigorous scientific evidence based evaluation before targeting the needy confused anxious parents.
Beware, it’s a commercial world!!!

Help to be Helped!
Let’s together create awareness on allergies and its consequences.
We can help educate personal in charge of children when our children are away from home on safety strategies for children with allergies.

Parents are the largest work force in child health care system.
Though it is the prime responsibility of pediatricians to care for allergies in children, parents can be a crucial link in prevention of food allergy and its consequences. They have access to day care centers, schools, camps, excursion trips organizers and more.

• Create awareness on food allergies – among all children, teachers and decision making authorities.

• Impress the importance of reading label of the packet before eating its contents.

• Insist for hygiene, thereby prevent cross contact induced exposure to allergens.

• Educate on indoor allergens (second hand smoke, dust mites etc), and insist on clean environment for kids.

• Prevent exploitation and bullying of allergic children by creating awareness, and activating vigilance and reporting system.

• Emotional support to affected children.

• Enforce optimal implementation of safety strategies.

• Train child care personnel in initial management of allergic episode.

• Designate and train people to recognize and treat anaphylaxis

• Provide easy access to local helplines.

• Establish core team responsible for food-allergy management and actions.

• Periodically review food-allergy treatment plan practiced at different institutions.

• Last but not the least: Share alternative food recipes for children with food allergy and prevent growth retardation and inadequate essential nutrition in food allergic children.

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Anaphylaxis in Children: First Aid Field Management

Parents’ awareness on possibility of anaphylaxis in children is crucial. Anaphylaxis can hit anyone and anywhere. It demands emergency management out of hospital and away from home; school, day care center, camp, socials or parties. Follow simple steps to recognize and treat promptly and efficiently.
Continue reading....

News on Child Health

Prevention of Allergies in Children?
Has our dream come true?
Preventive dietary aid for childhood allergies has been proposed. Vast literature has emerged from several scientific studies, but the results are complex. Knowledge can only guard consumers against inappropriate market claims.
Must read!!!

Role of Vitamin D in Prevention of Allergies
What should we fight; allergies or skin cancer?
Do we need to choose one?
No, must hit the balance!!!
Find your answer here.

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Pearls From The Forums

Summer Camp Safety Focus Food Allergic Children
Sending child with food allergy for summer camp?
Ensure your child’s safety.
Read to find how...

Food Allergy: Tips of Caution
Food allergens can initiate allergic reaction through eating, inhalation, skin contact, eyes or through cross contact, for example biting on common toys at day care center. Very minute quantity of allergen is enough to trigger severe allergic reaction.
click here for more...

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I will be back soon with the next issue of "Child Health Chat".
Relax and enjoy your summer holidays with children!

With Best Regards,

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